Just In
for Unforgettable

2/10/2013 c26 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
ahh that always sucks the third wheel kinda feeling, but then again she would have Aidou hehehe
2/6/2013 c26 Guest
Please update soon!I want to know what happens
12/3/2012 c25 Guest
Keep writing so good!
12/2/2012 c16 1sheril0206
wow wat will he do me
11/24/2012 c25 2Lovely-Dark-Shadows
Yay for update! I seriously did think you died as an author so seeing this updated was a pleasent suprise cuz i really do love this story! Cant wait for the next update .
11/23/2012 c25 AmberKiryuShiki
Gosh, I honestly LOVE this story! I usually find Aidou annoying but I honestly love to read about AidouXOC stories. It's like my guilty pleasure considering I'm a die hard Shiki fan!
11/23/2012 c25 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
Argh how can you leave it there after such a wait? Now you have to hurry and update!
11/22/2012 c25 michelle88222
LOVE IT! Keep updating!
11/22/2012 c25 26Winged Element
Wow! I got an update that wasn't from rise of the guardians, thanks! I hope she realizes just how much she likes aido
11/21/2012 c25 13StarryNightxoxo
You finally updated. :) Looking forward to more.
10/20/2012 c24 2Lovely-Dark-Shadows
I just LOVE this story so plz hurry and ubdate! :)
9/27/2012 c24 Demon's little Princess
So cool. Can't wait 4 the next chapter :)

up date soon
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