Just In
for Unforgettable

4/1/2011 c11 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
Oooooo good chappy! and Kisa should have kick his ass but it understandably l0l and as for my fav VK it's SHIKI!
4/1/2011 c11 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
Aidou is so evil! But this love him!
4/1/2011 c11 Professor KanZe
omg! aido is sooo evil! one min he loves her, the next he doesnt... great chapter though, cannot wait till the next! o h and btw, my fave is zero!
3/26/2011 c10 2ADELINEORSARIAH
This story is truly unforgetable. Please continue.
3/23/2011 c10 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
Great chapter!
3/22/2011 c10 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
Hmmmm sounds a bit fishy by her being called in the office like that! also your sooo lucky that you could post! i still can't and its bugging the living daylights out of me!
3/22/2011 c10 3C0smic
I hope u get the next chapter updated tonight!
3/21/2011 c8 misaxTakumi
Love the teasing!
3/20/2011 c9 C0smic
This was a short and pretty boring chappie.. :P sad because there was no aidou...
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