Just In
for Unforgettable

3/18/2011 c9 7tinkertot95
I like Rei, alot he's a sweet guy ^.^
3/18/2011 c9 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
Great chapter!
3/18/2011 c9 sailor sirius
Awww... come onnn Kisa you know you like Aido xD

Hmmm... seems like it might be AidoxKisaxRei... but oh well good on you Akane nice comeback!

This story is getting pretty interesting plz update soon!
3/17/2011 c9 Mandy
I'm curious to see how Aido's and Kisa's relationship develops...I think your story is really good...please keep updating:)
3/15/2011 c8 3C0smic
Is aidou jealous or something? Nice chappie!
3/15/2011 c1 Edward cullen underpants
Hi belle! its me! mrs edward cullen underpants. I was creepin ur notes on fb and saw ur link and decided to creep here too! i really like the stories...even though i haven't read the books to begin bad...anyways keep it up Cutiebelle!

Luv u!
3/15/2011 c8 sailor sirius
Awww... that was so sweet and sorta romantic *mini squeal* you gotta love Aido - just leave Rei out of the picture and all will be fine... :)

Great chapter please update soon!
3/14/2011 c8 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
lol i love this story i can't to see what happens next!
3/14/2011 c8 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
Awww I found that cute!
3/14/2011 c8 Professor KanZe
Omggg wowo! I thought he was gna proper kiss her or sumat! Updatee! I caant wait fo the next few chapters! Yay! Go you! Very good!
3/13/2011 c8 teeny vanskiver44
omg i love ur story by far one of the best ive read oh and i like naruto too! plz write more, lots more im rlly interested in it!
3/12/2011 c7 CapitaineHook
ooh jealousy i love it please update! ^o^
3/12/2011 c5 CapitaineHook
this reminds me of twilight... idk why. the mary sue the moody vampire kaname freaking out just like rosalie did and the chairman acting like carlisle cullen
3/5/2011 c7 7tinkertot95
3/4/2011 c7 Sarah
I love it! You've characterized Aido well
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