Just In
for Unforgettable

3/4/2011 c7 3C0smic
I'm so glad that you've finally updated!
3/4/2011 c7 misaxTakumi
please update and make it long! love the suspense!
3/4/2011 c7 47GakuenAlicefan27
For the sake of my sanity, continue this soon! ^^
3/3/2011 c7 sailor sirius
Awww... sweet interaction between Aido and Kisa :))) Hmmm... wonder what Aido is hinting at :P I love lavender too!

Plz update soon!
2/24/2011 c6 35xXxWolvesInTheNightxXx
I must say I really like this!
2/18/2011 c6 3C0smic
nice chappie! ooo i think that Aidou-kun is J-E-A-L-O-U-S!
2/17/2011 c6 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
what a interesting story lol i like plz hurry with the next one!
2/15/2011 c5 sailor sirius
Laaa... I'm back :) lol I knew Aido was going to find Kisa and I loved their interaction even tho it wasn't on happy terms...

Hmmm... did Kisa faint at the end? Wonder wats going on and will Aido take the chance and bite her?

Lol so many questions can't wait for next chappie!
2/15/2011 c6 sailor sirius
Awww... Aido is sensible for once if you get wat I mean :) this couple is so cute when bickering!

Plz update soon ur story is awesome so far!
2/15/2011 c5 sailor sirius
Laaa... I'm back :) lol I knew Aido was going to find Kisa and I loved their interaction even tho it wasn't on happy terms...

Hmmm... did Kisa faint at the end? Wonder wats going on and will Aido take the chance and bite her?

Lol so many questions can't wait for next chappie!
2/5/2011 c4 rikka
rei should be meggaaa fitttt~ :P
2/5/2011 c5 3C0smic
If I were her I would totaly punch Aidou in da face! That's what my OC character does in one of my VK stories! Not only has she punched him but thrown books at his head and dragged him by his ear. I know I'm evil :D I still love you Aidou!
1/29/2011 c4 sailor sirius
Nicee... I wonder if there's going to be a love triangle between Rei, Kisa and Aido...

This story is really good, I like your style of writing as well :) You haven't updated on this story for a long time, I hope you really do though! I want to read on so plz update soon :P
1/29/2011 c3 sailor sirius
Typical of Kaname to be ruthless... :( I hate him!

Nice interaction between Kisa and Aido good job!
1/29/2011 c2 sailor sirius
Waah? ... Kisa is a noble girl... hmmm I wonder what that means (maybe she's an unawakened noble vampire LOL)

This is a really good story, your characters are not at all OOC and overall is pretty cool :P

Keep it up!
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