Just In
for Unforgettable

1/29/2011 c1 sailor sirius
Hmmm... seems like that "erasing memories" power doesn't really work :) Either that or this girl has some unknown power...

Great chappie!
1/17/2011 c4 3C0smic
lol! still loving this story! U make Aidou kind of mysterious in this story which I like.
1/17/2011 c3 4HichiShirosaki
I love this chapter! Please write more! XD
1/15/2011 c3 golden melusina
Awesome story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
1/12/2011 c3 3C0smic
Kaname is kinda ooc because he would never kill a Day Class student who knew the Night Class secret. That's about the only ooc about him though.

Anywayzz! I love your story still! Aidou and Kisa make a perfect couple! Keep it up!
1/12/2011 c3 PurePrincess
I like your story so much , looking for future update.
1/11/2011 c3 Kawaii-Panda-Otaku-xx
awesome story! i wanna know what happens next. update soon :)
1/7/2011 c1 C0smic
I like u story! Please update!
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