Just In
for Unforgettable

3/4/2016 c4 Yuri
Oh my god, I am so glad I have like 50 more chapters I can read. I feel so sad when some fanfic authors stop updating and discontinue their work. Very excited!
3/4/2016 c3 Yuri
Ohhh the chills
2/29/2016 c56 lmamc
That's right, girlfriend to the rescue!
2/24/2016 c55 lmamc
Yay another chapter!
2/8/2016 c54 lmamc
Great chapter.
1/26/2016 c53 lmamc
Go for it Aido, go with the flow girly. Update soon.
1/25/2016 c53 Chiaro Il Signatore
* read this story in one go. i have to skip lunch just for . i just can't wait for the next chapter everytime i finish one, i keep repeating to myself 'last one' but every chapter makes me so captivated to the story, i just can't stop but to keep reading.. keep up the good work author-san... i can't for what's gonna happen next. ohhhhhh. im getting excited already - new reader/fan
1/25/2016 c53 7Moonlite 880
Aww cute!
1/25/2016 c52 Saiko
You are a great writer and I can't wait to read more of this story! This is a really good idea for the world that the story is in! Great Job :D
1/21/2016 c52 3Marie Yoshina
I like the story so far! Keep it up and hope you update soon!
1/16/2016 c52 37banshee-hime

Just read your story :D Took me a while, I must say, as I did go back and re-read a couple of times :D
Anyways, you can totally see your growth, writing-wise, throughout the story! Personally, I would suggest that you maybe go back and see chapters 1-10 and maybe add some details? Improve them a tad? However, it isn't necessary, as the storytelling got so much better throughout the fic. I like that it's simple and easy to read, but still full of feelings. Lovely.

I like the idea of Aidō being dependent on someone's blood, as the tablets don't work on him. It's very unique (this is the first story that I've read that idea in). It's also nice that you're leaving his feelings a mystery, since we really have to idea what he thinks of Kisa. You make a nice differentiation between him being a person and a vampire, as some writers tend to forget that vampires are essentially, rather violate.

My only suggestion is to be careful of the whole Mary Sue thing, as it was rather strong in the beginning, but, now it's a little better.
On the side note, you had Akane and Kisa talk twice about the girl from Night Class (sorry, I can't recall her name xD) as if they'd never talked about her at all. You might want to change that a tad.

All the best!
1/6/2016 c25 Guest
On the slut part, I disagree. I think Aido's the slut
12/28/2015 c52 lmamc
Yay! new chapter. update soon.
12/28/2015 c52 7Moonlite 880
Please do not take this the wrong way. I love your writing but the chapters themselves are throwing me off. I feel like it is taking a lot of time to get to the main point and many of these chapters, though important, are actually fillers. Thank you for this wonderful story and please continue your wonderful work! Thank you!
12/28/2015 c52 Wendieee
She loves him ! ! Can't wait for the next Chapter! Please update soon ! -
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