Just In
for Unforgettable

3/4/2015 c39 lmamc
Yay, another chapter! Watch out for those doorknobs. Update the next one soon.
3/2/2015 c38 lmamc
Great chapter, update the next one soon.
3/1/2015 c37 lmamc
Great update, add the next one soon.
2/24/2015 c38 lovelykittn
Plz write more PLZ
2/22/2015 c38 1purpose-is-an-ocean
Not sure of its my browser or if I'm remembering it right, but this chapter seems to be continuation from Ichijo's departure in 36. But you've already uploaded the continuation in chapter 37. An error maybe? Or am I getting the timing wrong? Because the previous chapter ended with her leaving for her dorm...

Love the story btw.
2/1/2015 c38
PLZ write more PLZ
1/26/2015 c38 haewonscrunchytoe
I love your story! I am still reading reading! Your doing great hopefully Aido will see his true feelings for Kisa...unless he has none but i have been reading this since the beginning so i am positive he feels SOMETHING for her. Great job :)
1/26/2015 c38 lmamc
Yay, another chapter! I'm sure Aido will find a way to save her. Update soon.
9/26/2014 c37 4Akari.Wolf.Princess
Ooo nice ending great chapter!
9/19/2014 c37 Crazyditzygrl3
I didn't like your story... I LOVED it! XD *crazy dance of happiness*
U are soooo awesome! Keep writing and here u go, a present...*inspiration bunnies and happy bubbles for u!*
{3} JD
P.S. keep up the good work u
9/19/2014 c37 Michelle
Finally another chapter! I hope Kaname doesn't find a new spell and if he did, I hope it doesn't work. Maybe Kisa is one of those people that has a natural resistance to memory tampering from an ancestor during the time (10,000 years ago in VK manga) when vampires were manipulating humans on a vast scale, update soon.
8/17/2014 c36 1zoey is the best mew mew
Omg Omg Omg omg omg omg omg omg i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Exited i can't wait for the next chapter please update your story as soon as possible thanks for the update for the best story ever :D
6/26/2014 c36 56thatwritersdream
Okay , this is honestly the best vampire knight fanfiction I have read in a while. I just love the OC so much, she's amazing with her says if talking to herself. Love it. I also love Aido and the kisses and ugh it's just perfection. Ichijo, does he like Kisa? That would be an interesting turn. I can't wait for more! Please update soon!
6/26/2014 c35 thatwritersdream
That kiss though- was AMAZING! I love it! I love this story and this plot line so much. Gah!
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