6/26/2014 c14 thatwritersdream
I love this so much, I loved the ending to this chapter too! lol "bring an overnight bag", leaves me sounds ring what Aido is up too XD
I love this so much, I loved the ending to this chapter too! lol "bring an overnight bag", leaves me sounds ring what Aido is up too XD
6/20/2014 c36
Uh oh I wonder what gunna cook up soon and woohoo kissy kissy before you know it they'll be kissing every chapter haha I won't mind!

Uh oh I wonder what gunna cook up soon and woohoo kissy kissy before you know it they'll be kissing every chapter haha I won't mind!
6/20/2014 c36 lmamc
So glad that you are back and a great chapter to be greeted with too. I can;t wait to see why kaname needs the spell book, update soon.
So glad that you are back and a great chapter to be greeted with too. I can;t wait to see why kaname needs the spell book, update soon.
3/18/2014 c35 Guest
Love this fanfic please update soon
Love this fanfic please update soon
3/11/2014 c35 Akari.Wolf.Princess
Wow three chapters so quickly you on a roll! Great chapter by the way!
Wow three chapters so quickly you on a roll! Great chapter by the way!
3/10/2014 c35 lmamc
Loved the chapter, I bet the Night Class Library is like two stories high. Can't wait, up date soon.
Loved the chapter, I bet the Night Class Library is like two stories high. Can't wait, up date soon.
3/8/2014 c33 lmamc
SO GLAD YOUR BACK! I wonder what Aido's reaction will be to that question and seeing them holding hands. Update soon.
SO GLAD YOUR BACK! I wonder what Aido's reaction will be to that question and seeing them holding hands. Update soon.
3/8/2014 c33 Guest
By the way, that last review was mine ;)
By the way, that last review was mine ;)