Just In
for Lovers and Enemies

3/9/2016 c2 Guest
Please update this story is so good I want to know what happens next
4/7/2012 c2 kai-neko11
What does Y.U.I. mean?

please continue this fic~! I'll be looking forward for the next chapter~!
3/29/2011 c2 1hai it's me
*w* this fanfic is so awesome! ♥♥♥
2/24/2011 c2 34TwWereWolf
XD I love this story! What does Y.U.I. mean anyway?(´・ω・`)

Yaoi. United. International. or something?XD
1/15/2011 c2 10Hikari-Chimedekina-Neko
This story is so funny! I love it so much! Oh I can just IMAGINE how Psyche and Tsugaru would react to seeing Izaya and Shizuo! Oh the HILARITY! XD
1/9/2011 c2 Toast
I honestly hate fics with OCs in them with a burning passion, but I really want to know what's gonna happen to Shizu-chan and Orihara-san~

This is starting to interest me, update soon~

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