Just In
for Shy Fox

7/10/2011 c4 Project728
This is such a cute story! Please continue!
6/24/2011 c4 1Asheera
Pleaseeeee continue! i love this story! =D
6/21/2011 c4 5Evillevi
Can't wait for the next update
6/12/2011 c4 3Shizuka Taiyou
Total awsomeness. Can't wait to see how they show Kakashi that they would pass his bell test.

6/11/2011 c4 Hee-Ho Master
I like it keep it up till next time,

6/10/2011 c4 Lucy Ash Hawthorne
yay u updated
6/10/2011 c4 Youthful-Gai
This story is really youthful. It's well written and easy to understand at 4:30 in the morning. I am encourage you to continue writing as quickly as posibal.
6/9/2011 c4 6notgonnasay09
I can't really find anything wrong here, though I sorely wish that a different test would have been used, like hide and seek or some other sort of test. It wasn't bad, but i would have liked to see something different.
6/9/2011 c4 3Chewie Cookies
Very nice fluff in this one. I really enjoyed it.

Keep up the good work!
6/9/2011 c4 18Uzumaki Ricky
It's moving kinda fast, but I, personally, am okay with that!
6/9/2011 c4 DangoDaikazaku
ahahahahahhahaa HInata is such a perv! It's cute! lol
6/9/2011 c4 6Aki666
Hehe, Kakashi is in for a really loud wake up call about Kiba, Hinata and Naruto.

Haha, well I look foward to the next chapter when you get the chance to wrtie and post.

6/9/2011 c4 5Rose Tiger
Nice chapter. I love their bond. The Hyugas are awful towards Hinata. Keep going.
6/9/2011 c4 35Solvdrage
Oh boy, Kakashi is in for a surprise isn't he? Great chapter. This filled my daily 'adorable' quota.
6/3/2011 c3 Gunther
For the love of all things holy (don't want to attend anyone there) update after two months
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