8/5/2011 c1 Bre
I like it tragic, coul have been vengeful is she couldve brought him down too or you know just horribly disfigured him. mwahaha
I like it tragic, coul have been vengeful is she couldve brought him down too or you know just horribly disfigured him. mwahaha
1/14/2011 c1 Diana Prince
A very dark and well written story, good job. You portrayed them quite well, Jareth is the super controlling type.
A very dark and well written story, good job. You portrayed them quite well, Jareth is the super controlling type.
1/13/2011 c1 BushelBritches
How refreshing! You were very convincing with your portrayal of a despicable Jareth. I like to think of Sarah as always being a stubborn heroin so her level of utter hopelessness here was a little hard to believe. But on the whole I liked it a lot! Keep writing! :)
How refreshing! You were very convincing with your portrayal of a despicable Jareth. I like to think of Sarah as always being a stubborn heroin so her level of utter hopelessness here was a little hard to believe. But on the whole I liked it a lot! Keep writing! :)
1/12/2011 c1
This was wonderful. I like how this took place after Sarah beat the Labyrinth. It took the story to a whole new level and it was just magnificent.

This was wonderful. I like how this took place after Sarah beat the Labyrinth. It took the story to a whole new level and it was just magnificent.
1/12/2011 c1
wow. This was a really good story! It would be interesting to see Jareth's reaction if you decided to continue this.

wow. This was a really good story! It would be interesting to see Jareth's reaction if you decided to continue this.