11/10/2013 c4 robsten87
I love your story, i love HS twilight! Please update:)
I love your story, i love HS twilight! Please update:)
5/30/2013 c3 1Mellytwigirl
Don't waste your time on ppl like that. But goo standing up 4 yourself. I really like your story I hope you update soon!
Don't waste your time on ppl like that. But goo standing up 4 yourself. I really like your story I hope you update soon!
5/29/2013 c3 BubblegumQueenie
I don't even know the douche that wrote that rude and stupid comment but i freaking love this story and it only has two chapters right now! The rude bastard that wrote that review can... suck some things. You're my hero and you should know this because i never review... ever.
I don't even know the douche that wrote that rude and stupid comment but i freaking love this story and it only has two chapters right now! The rude bastard that wrote that review can... suck some things. You're my hero and you should know this because i never review... ever.
5/29/2013 c3 12spunkransom12
Well I like it a lot so far. :D Don't worry about other people being rude what do they know. I never understood why people comment when they don't like someones work. When I read something I don't enjoy I don't comment and stop reading, it's that simple. I hope this one person hasn't kept you from writing because you are really good. I can't wait to read more, update soon!
Write on,
Well I like it a lot so far. :D Don't worry about other people being rude what do they know. I never understood why people comment when they don't like someones work. When I read something I don't enjoy I don't comment and stop reading, it's that simple. I hope this one person hasn't kept you from writing because you are really good. I can't wait to read more, update soon!
Write on,
5/29/2013 c3 lazybear28
U tell that ass of a person... I love ur story and can't wait to hear what u have planned next plz update soon cuz ill be checking every day for the update...I was happy until I found out it wasn't a chapter update so dnt let that stupid ignorant person keep you from writing another awesome chapter :)
U tell that ass of a person... I love ur story and can't wait to hear what u have planned next plz update soon cuz ill be checking every day for the update...I was happy until I found out it wasn't a chapter update so dnt let that stupid ignorant person keep you from writing another awesome chapter :)
5/29/2013 c2 Guest
Continue ! Going Good!
Continue ! Going Good!
5/29/2013 c2 2Werewolflover1997
Nice but can you make things a little more clearer you said Renee took Bella when she was one and it says she gave Emmett his nickname at five so unless a five year old is going to call a random number on the phone there must be a mistake
Nice but can you make things a little more clearer you said Renee took Bella when she was one and it says she gave Emmett his nickname at five so unless a five year old is going to call a random number on the phone there must be a mistake