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1/18/2016 c30 Guest
just email me at or pm my fanfic account at AMSortor22
1/27/2014 c30 karly12318
This is so AWESOME! Pleeeaaassee update!
9/18/2012 c22 1Gallagher girl1811
When the applause ended, Macey just had to say, "Cammie! That was amaing! You were like, kissing the air!"
P.s I kinda feel sorry for Zach)
8/6/2012 c30 1Someone484
Awesome awesome awesome. This was so LOL funny! But question: why haven't you finished it?
7/27/2012 c29 Aeriie
7/8/2012 c30 Aeriie
You must update!

PM when theres a sequel!
5/27/2012 c9 12Mrs.Mellark101
Woah. Just read 9 chapters in half an hour...this is soooooo goooooooood!
2/27/2012 c30 11DanieLovesYou
this is a damn good story please update!
11/17/2011 c1 10Apphia
OMWOW! I just joined the and luving it so far! I luv this story! Plz.. . . . . . . . .. . . Continue! I am oozing with attention toward the story! luv a gallagher girls books fan for life reader.
11/10/2011 c12 2tasha360
10/29/2011 c30 2Goode Foreva
this is a great story, please update ASAP :)
9/26/2011 c7 1Chocoholic12
when you said it was a dream i imiditaly (IDK how to spell it) thought inception n than the layer thing? total give away haha n i sooo got it but my parents were like I'M SO CONFUSED! my mom actually like yelled that haha
9/4/2011 c30 tashalambert
Er Hi! Um I was the anonymous reviewer called "yaa" but I got an account now so yeah

But great chapter! Update soon!
9/4/2011 c30 4ninjaspyassassin1
Love this story SOOOO much! U have to update! And I

Luv preston In this chapter! :) haha can't wait to see what they do to the boys! Soooo... UPDATE! :)
9/3/2011 c30 4NiniCere
Buuu! I don't want the story to end, cause it's really good! But I'm excited about the sequel :D

And I'm still eager to fing out who the heck annonimus is!

This chapter was hilarious btw, i liked it a lot

Please post the next one soon!
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