4/11/2014 c1
Hi there! First of all, I take great pleasure in returning the favor in reviewing your story, as you were so kind to support mine.
Secondly, where the heck have I been? Kyle and Sarah are one of my favorite couples. Ever. I watch YouTube videos of them an embarrassing amount of times, so this was an absolute treat to read. I was always peeved that this scene didn't make it into T2, and I feel like your version actually put a nice finish on the scene, too. Poor Sarah. I'm not sure there is a more tormented character in modern cinema than the woman who knows the end of the world is coming and is powerless to stop it. I liked her desperation here, and the boost Kyle gave her. It's also a sad "what could have been" feeling, as the time these memorable characters had together was too brief.
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed this!

Hi there! First of all, I take great pleasure in returning the favor in reviewing your story, as you were so kind to support mine.
Secondly, where the heck have I been? Kyle and Sarah are one of my favorite couples. Ever. I watch YouTube videos of them an embarrassing amount of times, so this was an absolute treat to read. I was always peeved that this scene didn't make it into T2, and I feel like your version actually put a nice finish on the scene, too. Poor Sarah. I'm not sure there is a more tormented character in modern cinema than the woman who knows the end of the world is coming and is powerless to stop it. I liked her desperation here, and the boost Kyle gave her. It's also a sad "what could have been" feeling, as the time these memorable characters had together was too brief.
Thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed this!
6/6/2011 c1
Aaaah, I love it! Honesetly, Kyle and Sarah are my favorite Terminator couple, and I love somebody wrote something about them! And really, a deleted scene? I just have a plain DVD version of the film; I'm hoping there's gonna be a special edition Blu-ray or something when I'm older and have my own player and everything. :) Anywho, loved the story!

Aaaah, I love it! Honesetly, Kyle and Sarah are my favorite Terminator couple, and I love somebody wrote something about them! And really, a deleted scene? I just have a plain DVD version of the film; I'm hoping there's gonna be a special edition Blu-ray or something when I'm older and have my own player and everything. :) Anywho, loved the story!
4/17/2011 c1
14The Green Archer
I really liked this. It was well-written and you captured Sarah's thoughts almost perfectly. And yeah, I could never understand why this scene wasn't in the original. Sarah and Kyle definitely didn't get enough love in the movies and I always hated how Kyle couldn't have come back to help Sarah and John in someway. You shouldn't be afraid to post more stories here. You definitely write better than some other people on this site do from what I can see.

I really liked this. It was well-written and you captured Sarah's thoughts almost perfectly. And yeah, I could never understand why this scene wasn't in the original. Sarah and Kyle definitely didn't get enough love in the movies and I always hated how Kyle couldn't have come back to help Sarah and John in someway. You shouldn't be afraid to post more stories here. You definitely write better than some other people on this site do from what I can see.
2/23/2011 c1
I actually read this before I saw the deleted clip from T2. While reading, though, I actually started crying. It seemed so real and it was amazing that you portrayed it exactly like the clip (with the small exception of the ending but you get what I mean). I really loved it and I read it frequently. I'm surprised that this doesn't have more readers/reviewers. It's a shame that there isn't a whole lot of Sarah/Kyle fanfiction. They deserve more than what we give them credit for; as well as you do. I like the fic and I've added it to my faves. Keep up the good work. :)

I actually read this before I saw the deleted clip from T2. While reading, though, I actually started crying. It seemed so real and it was amazing that you portrayed it exactly like the clip (with the small exception of the ending but you get what I mean). I really loved it and I read it frequently. I'm surprised that this doesn't have more readers/reviewers. It's a shame that there isn't a whole lot of Sarah/Kyle fanfiction. They deserve more than what we give them credit for; as well as you do. I like the fic and I've added it to my faves. Keep up the good work. :)
1/13/2011 c1 NeverInMyFavor
I thought this was very well written and good. Keep writing great stories. :)
3 Brooke
I thought this was very well written and good. Keep writing great stories. :)
3 Brooke