Just In
for Everybody's Got One

10/27/2019 c1 moralllygrey
Aww I love draco!
10/15/2019 c1 AnnaOxford
1/14/2016 c1 Bellackson
You know the saying- short and sweet! That definitely applies to this! Yep, Everybody's got one! _
5/11/2014 c1 12purplepam
That was wonderful! Draco seems so..real in this! I loved it!
2/26/2014 c1 samisagirl1225
Aww. Such a sweet one-shot. Happy memory Dramione! :))
7/17/2013 c1 coldestenvy
So cute! I wish there was more! But I loved it just the same!
1/5/2013 c1 1Immortal Bubblewrap
I really enjoyed this! I just love the way it was written and how the plot developed slowly. I really like it when fics don't feel rushed, and I think this was perfect! Really well done :D Thanks for uploading it.
6/30/2012 c1 xillestx
How adorable!
5/21/2012 c1 roseconnelly
oh this was just lovely!
7/18/2011 c1 5Art3misX
Gave me happy shivers :)
6/17/2011 c1 5AngelHeartOfMine
I love this fic! Very sweet =) And I really like the title too.
6/15/2011 c1 AlenaT
Ah, I love this story. I've read it a few times, but never left a review. It's honestly one of the sweetest, most hopeful dramiones I've ever read, which is why I keep coming back to it. Your portrayal of both Draco and Hermione is perfect!
5/21/2011 c1 fanismymiddlename
It's adorable.
5/15/2011 c1 Haply
This is honestly so cute, I love it!

I especially love how Malfoy's patronus is a ferret :)
2/25/2011 c1 6kataragurl27
i like it
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