Just In
for Explorers

3/19/2021 c1 nayin1704
oh James! love what he did to Healer Summerby lol
1/10/2016 c1 2plahbie
Blue Button?
11/30/2014 c1 16longlivemarshmallows
This was hilarious! !
11/1/2014 c1 Guest
I absolutely loved this, especially the line, "Who's Harry Potter?" whispered Al
and the whole gift shop thing and the bad words, and the squid and Al's writing on the walls. Hahahahaa
brilliant one shot and very uplifting
3/8/2014 c1 1quickandsilver
this so funny and cute:D it totally made my day!
after the third time I read this I noticed that the dragon was actually Romilda Vane hahahaha. James point of view is just priceless, how he finds a logical answer to Als questions awww:)
12/22/2013 c1 18poser16
This was so funny! I was laughing so hard :) I loved reading James and Al's point of view and seeing how they viewed the world and adults. Very good!

8/28/2013 c1 Mia369
So very awesome! adorable, hilarious, and worded in a way tht brought out james' personality so well! I laughed so hard tht i kept getting funny looks from my brothers!
6/23/2013 c1 6klexenia
I think I might've died laughing ... ah. Nope. Still alive.
Siriusly, this is so epically brilliant, it deserves much more reviews! The minds of children are dangerous territories, and I adore the logic of James and Al ...
How about another exploration with Lily in tow? :D
4/8/2013 c1 frozenphantom
I can't stop laughing internally at this line.

"Daddy said some... bad words."

Perfect. It's hilarious that James and Albus drew on the walls even though Neville specifically told them not to. I love how Ginny is portrayed!

"James suspected it was Albus's face that scared them off."

Neither can I stop laughing at this line. James and Albus sound like they come from a happy family which is exactly what I like in Next Generation fanfics including Ginny and Harry as parents. It's funny that you gave Harry the adjective of "red-faced" when I would think of it belonging more to the Dursley family.

Great, great job!
1/21/2013 c1 2Behind Her Mask
I am currently laughing hysterically!
12/27/2012 c1 zvc56
_ said some bad words
12/18/2012 c1 10AlienTourist
Thank you so much for writing this! It was hilarious, so utterly hilarious. I loved it!
7/12/2012 c1 1Harlequin Marionette
It was one of the cutest stories I've ever read! I loved it soso much! 3 :3
11/22/2011 c1 8Naie Black
That was probably the cutest/sweetest/funniest one-shot ever :D
8/15/2011 c1 49shashaway
It's so funny! And though they were still very young, they could talk pretty clever!

I can imagine how worried Harry was. XD
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