11/7/2012 c2 PandaLuv
Awesome plot! Can't wait to read the nxt chapter .
Awesome plot! Can't wait to read the nxt chapter .
6/26/2011 c2 Laura-Jean95
Brilliant, I love inception, I hope you keep writing because so far it has been very very good, great development of characters, I like Beatrice she very annoying and bitchy, always a good thing to have. Boat-rockers are the best. :) Please keep going
Brilliant, I love inception, I hope you keep writing because so far it has been very very good, great development of characters, I like Beatrice she very annoying and bitchy, always a good thing to have. Boat-rockers are the best. :) Please keep going
2/6/2011 c2 5Comfortably Plump
I've been seing this story for a while and I've finally decided to read it and I WANT MORE! This is so good. Why didn't I click this earlier?
I've been seing this story for a while and I've finally decided to read it and I WANT MORE! This is so good. Why didn't I click this earlier?
2/6/2011 c2 Awesomeness
That lady is SOOOOOOO MEAN! Great job at characterizing her, though!
That lady is SOOOOOOO MEAN! Great job at characterizing her, though!
2/5/2011 c2 4platypus core
You don't play around with your characters now, do you? There's no subtle "oh, they have a reason for being like that" they just ARE. Secondary characters, I mean, clearly you delve into your main characters. I like the style of it, and the direction it's going.
You don't play around with your characters now, do you? There's no subtle "oh, they have a reason for being like that" they just ARE. Secondary characters, I mean, clearly you delve into your main characters. I like the style of it, and the direction it's going.
2/5/2011 c2 9roslintower
I like Ariadne's last name, and overall this was a good chapter, but I think you overdid it with Beatrice's evilness. Maybe you could make her evilness a bit more subtle?
I like Ariadne's last name, and overall this was a good chapter, but I think you overdid it with Beatrice's evilness. Maybe you could make her evilness a bit more subtle?
2/5/2011 c2 Guest
Awesome! Continue soon!
Awesome! Continue soon!
1/27/2011 c1 ylo615
aww please update soon i really want to know the rest of the story...PLEASEEE?
aww please update soon i really want to know the rest of the story...PLEASEEE?
1/15/2011 c1 1Trina-D
A good start, estasblishing the characters backgrounds, what their feelings are like towards each other. Letting us know what they are like as individuals, away from "the team".
A good start, estasblishing the characters backgrounds, what their feelings are like towards each other. Letting us know what they are like as individuals, away from "the team".
1/15/2011 c1 Whynodeleteaccountoption
I love love-triangles too, as long as Arthur and Ariadne end up together, and this first chapter was great. I am looking forward to continue reading about her family, they are interesting. Hope you update soon.
I love love-triangles too, as long as Arthur and Ariadne end up together, and this first chapter was great. I am looking forward to continue reading about her family, they are interesting. Hope you update soon.