Just In
for Love Songs in E Minor

10/3/2012 c1 Katy dazzledbythe Cullens
Oh how i loved this, it was awesome.

Katy :)
8/6/2012 c1 enka3
I loved it :)
5/20/2012 c1 twiquarius
oh I really loved this; wonderful! :)
1/10/2012 c1 robella
I loved it!

Your story is wonderful, it was a real delight to read, thank you for having shared with us!

Are you a writer with a real talent!
12/26/2011 c1 DoIt4luv
Wow, what a beautiful story - heartwarming and sweet! Thank you.
12/25/2011 c1 2CrazyLittleWriter
I absolutely loved this - it is beautifully written. Thank you for taking the time to write it.
12/1/2011 c1 Ellinor
Sweet without being too honeyed. Thank you for sharing!
10/29/2011 c1 J Chesney
Originally read this right after you wrote it. Found it again and loved it just as much as the first time. Love, love, love your writing!
10/19/2011 c1 1cravingedward
Loved it!

Thank you :-)
10/2/2011 c1 1KL93
Wow. Love the incorporation of music. :)
9/15/2011 c1 cbcullen7
This is a great one shot, I loved it! Thanks for sharing this with us!
9/2/2011 c1 Daggers4U
Wow-I loved it! I got so wrapped up in it, it was like I was there ^_^
8/18/2011 c1 2Wooleywews
Abso-freaking-lutely beautiful.
8/12/2011 c1 7dweissa
I discovered you in RAC (which is my all-time favorite!). It's so refreshing to see your more tender side in this story. I love it! :))
7/5/2011 c1 lightthefuze
that was so beautiful, you're a brilliant writer.
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