Just In
for Beginnings

6/3/2011 c5 Semi-GothicGirl777
:D Yay you're finally gonna do a sequel!
5/13/2011 c4 2hihimakino
I absolutely loved the storie XD

Lee is sure too loud,god ;)

Keep writing it anyway!
4/4/2011 c4 Semi-GothicGirl777
I absolutely love this story! Neji and Tenten 4ever! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
1/23/2011 c4 DarkAnonymous324
Please make a sequel
1/23/2011 c4 4Yin-Yan-Yum-Yum
Aww I hate endings Sniff sniff, ! Great ending though!
1/23/2011 c3 Yin-Yan-Yum-Yum
Nice chapter! I love how Lee saved her from teh *cough cough* Man-whore, I just get that vibe from him
1/21/2011 c2 Yin-Yan-Yum-Yum
Nice chpater!

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