Just In
for The Years Before Ever After

2/15/2011 c24 5Sailor Dreamer95
This isn't the end right. Please tell me this isn't the end. I will cry if it is.
2/15/2011 c24 SparkleWolf7000
wow, i narly cried wen i read this! my class is reading Romeo and Juliet and i liked the reference at the end! i was like hey! i know that! lol. very good and VERY heartbreaking.
2/15/2011 c24 81steelneena
Don't read any further chapters? What's that supposed to mean? Well! I think that you did splendidly to start off! The only thing was that even in death I can only hear our beloved Eugene say 'mother'. So I subbed it in. I'll keep reading if you post more chapters! I will! As your new beta I feel obligated too! (Plus I love your writing, lol)
2/14/2011 c24 AIOFanNCRM
Well then...

You hinted to this like CRAZY last chapter with your author's note... lol.

Under all normal circumstances, I would be horrified if he were to die or STAY dead in a fanfic...

This - this was strangely fitting.

Except he was so NOT manly... being as he was... so Eugene...

But this was good. :) And a sober ending to a long fanfic... but, yeah.
2/14/2011 c23 4Romance and Musicals
Ahhhhh! What is Wilhelmina gonna do? Eugene already stabbed himself, so I think that killed Gothel. So does that mean the spell was wasted? Omg, PLEASE let it not have been wasted so that she can bring Eugene back to life. And poor Rapunzel! What is she gonna do? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not have a Romeo & Juliet-esque ending!
2/14/2011 c23 Guest
Omg! This is epic! Please update soon!
2/14/2011 c23 81steelneena
Oh shit! I didn't actually think that you'd do it! She's gonna run in there and he's gonna have just stuck that stupid knife into his heart. Wow. This might be a first! I'll love it no matter what! You really have come on strong as a first timer here on FFN, and as a practiced FFN author, I can say that i have only finished all but one of my multi chapter fics, so props to you! Iffin you need a beta Shahrazad, you just pm me and w'll exchange emails. my last person who I beta'd for disappeared on me, so I'm free! You rock! (i really wasn't challenging you but like I said before, I'm ecstatic for whatever it is you choose to do!)
2/14/2011 c23 20forgetmenotjimmy
2/14/2011 c23 An Unknown Foreign Beauty
Oh, u killed him...nooooooo. well still i like it. (I'm tired of the fluffs here, I love tragedies) well is the story end here? I'm sad to leave it. I loved it soo much.
2/13/2011 c22 4Romance and Musicals
OMG. Eugene no! Not again! He's so selfless, always sacrificing himself to keep Gothel away from Rapunzel! This was really good and really interesting. I did not see the whole Gothel/Eugene connection coming at all, which is actually kinda sad for me considering I'm usually much more observant lol.
2/13/2011 c22 81steelneena
Shit No! Shit No! FUCK NO! BAD BAD BAD! SHIT FUCK! (Sorry I was gone over the weekend, but now I'm back and all caught up!) Talk about Bad shit! if he kills himself I will be ...undecided. I soooo dare you to do it. Just as long as he knows who is mother is in the last instant.!
2/13/2011 c22 5Nausicaa of the Spirits
I...did not see that one coming, both Eugene killing himself and him being the source of Gothel's power.
2/13/2011 c22 20forgetmenotjimmy

Omg, omg!


I...OMG! I'm just speechless! Please, pleeeeeeeease let him be ok!

Woah, what a chapter! This is hands-down the best tangled fic I've read!
2/12/2011 c21 4Romance and Musicals
This was really good. I liked hearing about Wilhelmina's past. It kind of reminded me of the song "I Dreamed a Dream" from Les Miserables. I don't know if you've ever seen the show or not, but you should defintiely Youtube that song because it's pretty relevant to what you wrote. And now Rapunzel and her mother-in-law are on a quest to find Eugene! And I REALLY want to see the showdown between Gothel and Eugene. Also, I really liked your summary for this chapter. It was pretty badass.
2/12/2011 c20 An Unknown Foreign Beauty

I'm here ur oldest reviwer :) Your story is really great & I lov Eugene here :) Gothel is back :0 update soon

( Ch, 11 for my story is up now )

Thanks for ur supportive comments for me :)
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