2/3/2011 c12 ILoveVikings
Oh no! I can't believe someone did that to her. Eric will put two and two together. And he's gonna be mad she diddbt tell him.
Oh no! I can't believe someone did that to her. Eric will put two and two together. And he's gonna be mad she diddbt tell him.
2/3/2011 c13 LiDa 23
I'm glad that Sookie realised that she and Eric are meant to be together!I totally agree with Charlie Sookie must fight for her relationship with Eric!Waiting for your next update!
I'm glad that Sookie realised that she and Eric are meant to be together!I totally agree with Charlie Sookie must fight for her relationship with Eric!Waiting for your next update!
2/2/2011 c12 donael
OMG! She is really going to try and hide this from him! Like alcide won't crack under the pressure. Eric will find out one way or another. Better from them now than a bystander who was outside the ladies.
OMG! She is really going to try and hide this from him! Like alcide won't crack under the pressure. Eric will find out one way or another. Better from them now than a bystander who was outside the ladies.
2/2/2011 c13 nicky901n
I can't believe she was attacked and tried to keep it from Eric. I'm kinda glad they went home. Maybe they can regroup before the next big event.
I can't believe she was attacked and tried to keep it from Eric. I'm kinda glad they went home. Maybe they can regroup before the next big event.
2/2/2011 c13 sluggysmom
Oh my, that was heartwrenching! Please tell me that won't happen again! I don't know that I could stand it! LOL!
Oh my, that was heartwrenching! Please tell me that won't happen again! I don't know that I could stand it! LOL!
2/2/2011 c13 Buddahs53
hmmmmm he is fantasizing about her being pregnant...
I hope she has learned that keeping things from her partner is not good.
hmmmmm he is fantasizing about her being pregnant...
I hope she has learned that keeping things from her partner is not good.
2/2/2011 c12 LGinJax
Good Sookie can be so stupid. She has to tell him. Like he won't notice that she can barely breath without being in pain. Goofy girl.
Good Sookie can be so stupid. She has to tell him. Like he won't notice that she can barely breath without being in pain. Goofy girl.
2/2/2011 c11 donael
Oh so love your story. Sorry I don't review at the end of each chapter but I cannot stop myself from hitting that next button!
Oh so love your story. Sorry I don't review at the end of each chapter but I cannot stop myself from hitting that next button!