Just In
for Good Fences

1/22/2011 c1 Faegoddess
I said keep going ! I need more of this storyQQ
1/22/2011 c1 LiDa 23
Wonderful start!I can't wait to find out why Sookie wasn't happy when her husband was alive!Waiting for the next chapter!
1/22/2011 c1 sluggysmom
PLEASE continue! This has definitely captured my attention. I'm very curious about what happened between Sookie & Bill. Eric with a softly spoken English accent...totally dreamy! :)
1/22/2011 c1 VAlady
I like this, hints that all was not well with her marriage; a crazy threatening ex-mother in law;, a gorgeous and considerate new neighbor, and a loving supportive family. Lots of good things to work with. Just don't neglect your other wonderful story to do this's like having 2 children, you have to love both of them..
1/22/2011 c1 Buddahs53
I think your off to a great start
1/22/2011 c1 Pet Haggis
Very good start and well done on your first AH fic.

I wonder if you will be doing an Eric POV?

Will add to my alerts.
1/22/2011 c1 leti0709
Great start and i am very excited to see where you take this. Please continue.
1/22/2011 c1 nicky901n
I like it! More please...
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