Just In
for I Shouldn't Love You

9/13/2012 c1 ch3n
im 3 november and im so fucking proud
8/18/2011 c2 7HellOnTheEngine
I'm lovign your story, so far!

Can't wait to see what will happen next *w*
5/31/2011 c2 1orionion
This is beautiful! I really love the interaction between Shiranui and Fujioka. The paragraph where you described Miyaji's feelings after seeing those two was excellent! Please keep up the great work!
4/5/2011 c2 jigokunooujo
So so good! Can't wait for the next...update soon. Please!
3/27/2011 c2 HannaTierra
Update this story, please .

I'm just curious, haha...

Umm, as I know, Japaneses never call some1 with his/her nick name at the first time they meet, till he/she asked u to do it, they call with the family name first...

Thanks n sorry for my bad English :)
2/3/2011 c2 2Shizuka Tsukiyomi
Wow! I really love it. Please update the next chapter ASAP!
1/24/2011 c1 7novocaine.candycane
Yay! I'm so happy more fics are starting to show up for StaSka, harhar.

So, I'm very interested in this story~ I'd love to see where it goes after this, pahah. Mizu definitely isn't my type of heroine... I'm not a big fan of the ojou-sama types, but I think it was very interesting that you decided to show us the flashback. It makes her more flawed and less Mary Sue-ish... I'm also really curious as to what happened back then... Hope you'll explore that in later chapters! :)

I have a few little critiques... Some actions that characters do are slightly uncharacteristic. For example, I'm not sure Naoshi would bow to his student... He is a teacher, after all. Also, there are some tiny grammar mistakes. They didn't really hinder my reading experience too much, though. Aside from that, everything was fine. :'D

I really hope you'll continue this! Can't wait for the next update. :)

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