7/20/2011 c1 172showtunediva
Hi Thanks for your comment on my chapter of Reprise. Unfortunately that is the last chapter in that particular fic but I may write another Glee fic soon if get any ideas for stories.
Hi Thanks for your comment on my chapter of Reprise. Unfortunately that is the last chapter in that particular fic but I may write another Glee fic soon if get any ideas for stories.
1/25/2011 c1 12alysef
Screw what a few negative people think, sometimes it takes those people to build characrter. Brush haters off and keep on walkin' babe cause they won't stop and you don't need to let them stop you either. See now I have to go hunt down some of your stories.
Screw what a few negative people think, sometimes it takes those people to build characrter. Brush haters off and keep on walkin' babe cause they won't stop and you don't need to let them stop you either. See now I have to go hunt down some of your stories.
1/25/2011 c1 BrOoKe DaViS23
I dont think i have ever read your stories. I have read so many i have lost count.
But i would not worry what people say some people are just rude and the ones that write bad reviews probley could not write a story to save their life.
If i was writing stories for here i would just do it for my own enjoyment and not to please someone else. Because in this world you cant please everyone.
So just do your own thing and write about what couples you enjoy and forget everyone else.
Thats what i would do if i were you.
I dont think i have ever read your stories. I have read so many i have lost count.
But i would not worry what people say some people are just rude and the ones that write bad reviews probley could not write a story to save their life.
If i was writing stories for here i would just do it for my own enjoyment and not to please someone else. Because in this world you cant please everyone.
So just do your own thing and write about what couples you enjoy and forget everyone else.
Thats what i would do if i were you.
1/25/2011 c1 dianehermans
i love your story's special brucas so i hope you gone writing again if you do please let me now
i love your story's special brucas so i hope you gone writing again if you do please let me now