Just In
for Through The Years

3/7/2011 c2 2Stephanie M. A
Puck, don't be such a jerk. It's hard to see him be so mean when he doesn't even redeem himself by the end.

Great fic. I felt so bad for Rachel.
3/3/2011 c1 Jennifer
Love it! I can't wait for more! I want to know what happens!
3/1/2011 c2 Princesakarlita411
awwwwwwwww awwwwwwwww
2/28/2011 c2 16bleedingdaylight
[: Can't wait for more please :D
2/28/2011 c2 1MyPinkHeechul
Awww, so sad. I really thought this would have a happy ending but I guess it's not always like that.

This is beautiful though.
2/27/2011 c2 Peitin
This story was really depressing and almost made me cry. I suggest you change the category. I thought this was going to have a happy ending and it didn't. Also, most freshman don't start on a varsity football team or hang out with older guys. I thought the writing style was really good though. Very much had me wanting to keep reading.
2/27/2011 c2 Guest
I love it. So heartbreaking I really want Rachel to gain a friend. She needs someone
2/27/2011 c2 1sourewolf
wish noah woulda stayed with rachel:( gonna make an update?(:
2/27/2011 c2 MONST3R
so sad that puck went with the crowd, but that's high school for you :(
2/27/2011 c2 ashdanielle
WOW! this is so so well written and heartbreaking! I can't wait for your next chapter :)
2/27/2011 c2 2Persie
Two bad it's only a two-shot! It was great and well written!
2/27/2011 c2 2readerkp16
I love this story, but it breaks my heart.
2/2/2011 c1 joeyct
loving the story, it's so sad. please update soon!
2/1/2011 c1 Dobby'sPolkaDottedSocks
This story was amazing, so sad :'(
2/1/2011 c1 1sourewolf
this is really good! u should continue it...i like the specific descriptions u use, some people dont describe well like u do...good job(:
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