Just In
for the Road trip

9/26/2011 c5 2Rainy129
ohhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuudge see i cought myself :)
9/26/2011 c4 Rainy129
ahaha 'Travis and Katie are making out!' LMAO
9/26/2011 c2 Rainy129
there a little OOC...
9/26/2011 c1 Rainy129
love! keep writing!
9/10/2011 c6 4XYouXKnowXWhoXIXAmX
who adupdated it!
7/26/2011 c6 4Julianna54321
WHY DO YOU NEED TO GIVE IT UP! :'( I love this story the way you wrote it! P.S. You are so awesome for using 'How I Met Your Mother' and 'The Big Bang Theory'!
6/24/2011 c1 FireSword46
Someone please adopt this story! Don't worry I will ask around for people to adopt!
5/30/2011 c6 2Annabeth-Kahlan-Alanna-Cara
Why are you giving it up? I like it!
5/25/2011 c6 cwknight44
Don't give up it was great plz continue
4/30/2011 c5 dragon cath
You watch, How I Met Your Mother, too? This is a good chapter too. After the, 6th chapter please update?
4/30/2011 c5 dragon cath
You watch, How I Met Your Mother, too? This is a good chapter too. After the, 6th chapter please update?
4/7/2011 c2 8Annabeth Chase-Jackson14
loved it! keep going (:
4/7/2011 c1 Annabeth Chase-Jackson14
i love it!
3/12/2011 c6 11C-Nuggets N.L


Continue it! D:

3/9/2011 c1 pjosupafan
Umm... guys... i have a problem. I started a new ff accout, and i changed my email on this. And... i forgot it. Sooo... if any of you want to adopt this story, DO NOT INBOX ME! Just, talk on the comment page. I am a douche i know. Truly guys, i can't remember it, so so sorry. Just say if u want 2 adopt in on the comments.

x x x
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