6/23/2024 c12 senervahr
I binge read this today and had a lot and lot of emotions flowing through me . I’ve always loved Severus and Minerva and I ship SSMM . I’ve read your other fictions and loved them , I hope you’ll continue to finish this. This story has so much potential. And thank you for making it an AU.
I binge read this today and had a lot and lot of emotions flowing through me . I’ve always loved Severus and Minerva and I ship SSMM . I’ve read your other fictions and loved them , I hope you’ll continue to finish this. This story has so much potential. And thank you for making it an AU.
6/23/2024 c12 senervahr
The scene were Severus was talking to a normal cat was hilarious. Please please do continue, this story is really enjoyable and mysterious. Honestly adding Minerva to the scene is a cherry on top of the cake. Hope you come back to this. And no you aren’t shouting at the abyss . Putting this story on alert in case you come back to finish this
The scene were Severus was talking to a normal cat was hilarious. Please please do continue, this story is really enjoyable and mysterious. Honestly adding Minerva to the scene is a cherry on top of the cake. Hope you come back to this. And no you aren’t shouting at the abyss . Putting this story on alert in case you come back to finish this
6/23/2024 c11 Guest
Loving the way the story is moving ! Keep going this is soo good
Loving the way the story is moving ! Keep going this is soo good
6/23/2024 c7 Guest
Honestly I wonder how the order is coping up with the never ending duty that Albus is throwing their way
Honestly I wonder how the order is coping up with the never ending duty that Albus is throwing their way
6/23/2024 c7 Guest
Yes, you've never said that and been wrong before," muttered Severus.
I laughed so hard
Yes, you've never said that and been wrong before," muttered Severus.
I laughed so hard
6/22/2024 c6 Guest
I like this side of Severus , caring for his Slytherins.
I like this side of Severus , caring for his Slytherins.
6/22/2024 c5 Guest
This is going great ! Never expected voldemort to house the children in manor .
This is going great ! Never expected voldemort to house the children in manor .
6/22/2024 c4 Guest
Love the way the story is developing . And enjoy how Minerva and Severus are moving
Love the way the story is developing . And enjoy how Minerva and Severus are moving
6/22/2024 c3 Guest
Yipeeee ! Minerva fighting with Albus for Severus is top notch.
Yipeeee ! Minerva fighting with Albus for Severus is top notch.
3/24/2021 c12
Very good chapter-I suspect that chocolate was a good idea, however ill-timed the delivery. Dementors are no joke, and at least Minerva knows it.
At this point I think Snape would just as soon park himself in a nice, quiet Ministry cell if they could promise decent meals and enough to read.
I do hope you update!

Very good chapter-I suspect that chocolate was a good idea, however ill-timed the delivery. Dementors are no joke, and at least Minerva knows it.
At this point I think Snape would just as soon park himself in a nice, quiet Ministry cell if they could promise decent meals and enough to read.
I do hope you update!
11/2/2020 c11 excessivelyperky
Yeah, Horace is being brought up to replace Snape, who is nearing his expiration point.
And how nice of Narcissa to ask Snape to risk his life for Draco, with the usual 'gratitude' from the Malfoys.
I think it's about time for Snape to pack and leave for parts unknown.
Yeah, Horace is being brought up to replace Snape, who is nearing his expiration point.
And how nice of Narcissa to ask Snape to risk his life for Draco, with the usual 'gratitude' from the Malfoys.
I think it's about time for Snape to pack and leave for parts unknown.
10/3/2020 c10 excessivelyperky
I suppose immediate high amputation is right out, even if it would save Albus' life, she sighs.
And Poppy needs to knock Snape over the head for that checkup, though she would be told, sadly, that it was for the Greater Good that he be literally worked to death.
I suppose immediate high amputation is right out, even if it would save Albus' life, she sighs.
And Poppy needs to knock Snape over the head for that checkup, though she would be told, sadly, that it was for the Greater Good that he be literally worked to death.
9/18/2020 c9 excessivelyperky
Minerva's the only one who sees that Snape is likely to fall over dead or blow up the castle first if he doesn't get some sleep.
One can only hope his mistakes with Voldemort's potion will end up killing the Dark Lord.
Frankly, Snape should just pack and leave for Jamaica or some other spot well away from Britain. Both his masters seem bent on killing him, it's only a matter of time till one or the other succeeds.
Minerva's the only one who sees that Snape is likely to fall over dead or blow up the castle first if he doesn't get some sleep.
One can only hope his mistakes with Voldemort's potion will end up killing the Dark Lord.
Frankly, Snape should just pack and leave for Jamaica or some other spot well away from Britain. Both his masters seem bent on killing him, it's only a matter of time till one or the other succeeds.
6/27/2020 c12
Severus isn't even my favourite character, but the writing style and story has me so engaged! Minerva is my fav chara, I came for her, and have stayed for so much more :D AND AHHHHH I LOVE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEVERUS AND MINERVA! YES!

Severus isn't even my favourite character, but the writing style and story has me so engaged! Minerva is my fav chara, I came for her, and have stayed for so much more :D AND AHHHHH I LOVE THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SEVERUS AND MINERVA! YES!
2/10/2020 c8
7Very Small Prophet
If the Ravenclaws knew Harry got into NEWT Potions without the proper qualifications and was doing well in class solely because he’s cheating, they would be even more enraged then Severus is with the worthless slacker. Students who actually care about their education and have worked hard to get into a difficult course are NOT happy when the Headmaster’s Pet is promoted ahead of them, and disrupts the class by being rude to the teacher. Advanced students *like* strict, demanding teachers who make sure they learn. I hope the Ravenclaws quickly realize what’s going on and unite against Potter—right before Snape spots his old textbook on Harry’s worktable and confiscates it very, *very* publicly.

If the Ravenclaws knew Harry got into NEWT Potions without the proper qualifications and was doing well in class solely because he’s cheating, they would be even more enraged then Severus is with the worthless slacker. Students who actually care about their education and have worked hard to get into a difficult course are NOT happy when the Headmaster’s Pet is promoted ahead of them, and disrupts the class by being rude to the teacher. Advanced students *like* strict, demanding teachers who make sure they learn. I hope the Ravenclaws quickly realize what’s going on and unite against Potter—right before Snape spots his old textbook on Harry’s worktable and confiscates it very, *very* publicly.