Just In
for The Bright Side

7/7/2011 c145 80kirkr0se
Oh no.


~Mademise Morte
7/7/2011 c144 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff

Those huggers... XD
7/6/2011 c144 80kirkr0se
Stop trying to hit her and actually do it. Elbow to the throat.

That should do the trick...

7/6/2011 c144 Vanessa
It's kinda creepy when you realize that your friend is braiding your hair without you knowing it... x
7/6/2011 c144 2Just-Acting-Naturally
Same problem -.- I have a phobia of hugs. Why don't you people understand?
7/6/2011 c144 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I don't like people touching me as well. I feel your pain :)

Harmony xxx
7/6/2011 c143 Vanessa
My friend asks me if I can give her a piggy-back all the time.

Tsk on you Eve... x
7/5/2011 c143 80kirkr0se
... There's such a thing as a caffiene tablet?


~Mademise Morte
7/5/2011 c143 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
Haha, I don't personally like piggy-backs :3
7/5/2011 c143 6Jay Foren
My dad stopped giving me piggybacks when I got to 3.5 feet. I was 3 years old!

I was 5.9 at 11.
7/5/2011 c143 1Harmony-Rose Blake
Piggy-back rides ARE fun! ;D

But these caffeine pills sound even more fun C: I will find them... To Mordor!

Harmony xxx
7/5/2011 c141 Tatiana Blue
Thats offensive, to me because I'm a Christian and that ' language ' is something that we do.. we don't know how but it's something that non Christians would understand, look it up.

Sorry I haven't logged in it won't recognise me.
7/4/2011 c142 80kirkr0se
It was a goddamn epic conversation.

~Mademise Morte
7/4/2011 c141 kirkr0se
... Great, I'm never looking at the word 'Yahweh' in the same way again.

This is all your fault.

~Mademise Morte
7/4/2011 c142 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
Wow...sounds interesting...I really am friends with weird people, aren't I? O_O XD
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