Just In
for The Bright Side

8/11/2011 c176 1Deactivated. Ciao
I literally bitchslapped someone for something similar, once.
8/11/2011 c176 2Just-Acting-Naturally
AND NEITHER AM I! Ermm.. yea.. Tannith/Ghastly - EpicLove
8/11/2011 c176 80kirkr0se
Yes. Yes, you really are.

~Mademise Morte
8/11/2011 c176 13Flaring Rhythm
8/11/2011 c175 80kirkr0se
Just hope it stays that way.

~Mademise Morte
8/9/2011 c174 Aaaaanonymoussss
My friend online's car got attacked by the riots, she suggests stocking up on food and not leaving the house.
8/9/2011 c174 28Psychedelica
I know, those riots are just pointless. What do they actually expect to accomplish, apart from burning down businesses and cars and ruining people's lives? I really do feel for you, though I can't help but be glad there's no riots in Southampton ... yet D:

Great chapter again, keep it up!
8/9/2011 c174 80kirkr0se
I am scared for you. Stay safe, Free 3

~Mademise Morte
8/8/2011 c173 kirkr0se
... Je ne comprend pas.


~Mademise Morte
8/8/2011 c172 15Trades of Trickery
I'm always a bitch..whether I fell like it or not never really comes into account...
8/7/2011 c172 1Deactivated. Ciao
I'm a bitch whether I feel like it or not.


8/7/2011 c172 80kirkr0se
Only when you feel like it?


~Mademise Morte
8/7/2011 c171 1Harmony-Rose Blake

Harmony xxx
8/7/2011 c170 Harmony-Rose Blake
LMFAO! You did that? (^^,)

Harmony xxx
8/7/2011 c169 Harmony-Rose Blake
You should have pushed them in the water and stole their crabs! :)

Harmony xxx
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