Just In
for The Bright Side

2/27/2011 c21 15Trades of Trickery
Well I'm Screwed ;) Fletchyrie Rules! :D

Love it Keep on keeping on :D
2/27/2011 c21 80kirkr0se
FF dot net is being retarded as f***, and therefore has censored out miss Skylar's username on account of being too long. I don't really give a s***, but maybe you'd like to know? XD

Aw, the squirrel's a nice touch :') XD


~Maddie Morte
2/26/2011 c20 kirkr0se
In London. I was. Walking down a street. Going for a performance of Julius Caesar.

Can't remember street name. Very famous street. Used to be cheap, good stuff, like, twenty years ago. Now not quite so cheap.

My dad dragged me into shoe shops. To make up for it, he brought me into one of these two 'goth' shops- one was called Chaos, yes, I think, and one had something to do with zombies in the name, or something.

Saw the most beautiful Lolita-style dress, and a EGA-style skirt. Fell in love.

Pricetag: £200 apiece.

Left the store in disgust. Determined now to learn how to sew.


~Mademise Morte
2/26/2011 c20 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Gawd, Skul. A CARDIGAN? :P

Awesooooome :D Now go on FB pweaaaase :3 :3 :3
2/26/2011 c9 13Flaring Rhythm

Really am.
2/26/2011 c10 Flaring Rhythm
Justin Bieber!

That is all.
2/25/2011 c19 80kirkr0se
It's this thing where, like, every week they email you coupons for discounts at places. I'm not exactly sure, since it's been a while since I was in England...

~Mademise Morte
2/25/2011 c19 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
It's fine XD

What's Groupon? Never heard of it O_o
2/24/2011 c18 80kirkr0se

Bad Tanith.


~Mademise Morte
2/24/2011 c18 Graceful Shadows
Once, me and my friends went shopping, and there was a dodgy lift, and the escalators didn't work, so we went on the lift, and i said to my friend i was scared of lifts...she started jumping up and down, in the middle of a shopping center, in a GLASS lift. AND people were staring at us... Same as with Tanith and Val... never again.
2/24/2011 c18 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! How nice of Tanith! :P
2/23/2011 c17 YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
D: Have fun where-ever you're going :D And escalators are evil-er!
2/23/2011 c17 80kirkr0se
I do not particularly fear lifts, so not much empathy from this quarter...

Have fun being wherever you'll be :)

~Mademise Morte
2/22/2011 c16 kirkr0se
Tis 'libraries', not 'library's'...

Aw, that was funny :) yeah, definitely rich enough...

~Mademise Morte
2/22/2011 c16 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Aweeeesooooome :D I want a library :3
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