Just In
for The Bright Side

2/22/2011 c16 Graceful Shadows
China Sorrows rocks! Good chapter, i look foward to reading one of these everyday! *Sigh* I'm just sad...
2/21/2011 c15 80kirkr0se
Oh dear, have I discomfited you? D: I'm sorry...

Nice capturing of Skulleh's voice, though :)

~Mademise Morte
2/21/2011 c15 1Graceful Shadows
Ha! LOL!
2/21/2011 c15 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
It would be :P Skulduggery has a STALKER ;)

(And no, I'm not talking about us...)
2/20/2011 c14 80kirkr0se

I love Macbeth, seriously. The three witches ^^

Ladders are indeed distracting, though...

~Mademise Morte
2/20/2011 c14 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
Want some help with that? In the first place, she wanted to kill the king, and gain power, so she manipulated Macbeth to kill Duncan, although not wanting to do it herself. She told Macbeth that he wasn't a man if he didn't kill Duncan - BUT, she couldn't do it herself. Later on, Macbeth doesn't trust her enough to tell her about planning to kill Banquo and stuff. And then, the guilt gets too much and she kills hersel...oooh, ladder! :D

*stares at shiny ladder*
2/19/2011 c13 80kirkr0se
Of course XD

~Mademise Morte
2/19/2011 c13 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Wow, skills, Skul. Skills ;)
2/18/2011 c12 80kirkr0se
"Skul, your over 400 years old. Grow the fuck up."


~Mademise Morte
2/18/2011 c12 4RKellyn
Ghastly owned Skulduggery.


Reia xx
2/18/2011 c12 1Graceful Shadows
Ha! Now that was good.
2/18/2011 c12 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
D: DON'T SHOUT AT SKUL, GHASTLY! HE NEEDS A NAME HAT! (Because they're awesome :3)
2/17/2011 c11 80kirkr0se
Ah yes, I'd half forgot those...

~Mademise Morte
2/17/2011 c11 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
As you should, I forgive you ;)

Eat up, Valkyrie! :D
2/17/2011 c10 YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
*thinks of the annoying guy who really annoys me*

Red, straight hair, dark eyes, light skin, average height, around 17 (I made that up ^-^), wears typical boy clothes

VERY, I repeat, VERY immature.

There :D

Anyway, AWESOME! :3
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