2/16/2011 c10
A potter. With a beard. And grey hair. Very arrogant. Adept.
~Mademise Morte

A potter. With a beard. And grey hair. Very arrogant. Adept.
~Mademise Morte
2/15/2011 c9 kirkr0se
I'm thinking either something very perverted or razors (because of the Mr T comment, and because I've got Sweeney Todd stuck in my head :L)...
~Mademise Morte
I'm thinking either something very perverted or razors (because of the Mr T comment, and because I've got Sweeney Todd stuck in my head :L)...
~Mademise Morte
2/13/2011 c7
LOL! I must admit, that WOULD be a bit annoying XD Hope you had a good birthday! :D

LOL! I must admit, that WOULD be a bit annoying XD Hope you had a good birthday! :D
2/12/2011 c6
I talk when no-one's listening all the time... Because I listen. And that's enough, really.
~Mademise Morte

I talk when no-one's listening all the time... Because I listen. And that's enough, really.
~Mademise Morte
2/11/2011 c5 YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Not a mental image I want either! XD I'll bring the mutant cupcakes! ;)
LOL! Not a mental image I want either! XD I'll bring the mutant cupcakes! ;)
2/10/2011 c4
:O AWESOME! :D Happy Birthday for your birthday! :3 Look, I even made some mutant cupcakes for the occasion...
*holds out batch of fresh mutant cupcakes*

:O AWESOME! :D Happy Birthday for your birthday! :3 Look, I even made some mutant cupcakes for the occasion...
*holds out batch of fresh mutant cupcakes*