Just In
for The Bright Side

7/28/2011 c162 11TheOnlyMarauderette
7/28/2011 c163 1Deactivated. Ciao
You have... interesting friends.

7/27/2011 c163 80kirkr0se
... They do?


~Mademise Morte
7/27/2011 c163 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I love Dory's whale noises on Finding Nemo! I wish my friend's did this for me :( I'll call you when I need cheering up! (^^,)

Harmony xxx
7/27/2011 c162 Harmony-Rose Blake
Some of the best battle scars ever come from some of the best stuff ever!

Harmony xxx
7/27/2011 c162 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
Battle scars. Nice XD
7/26/2011 c162 80kirkr0se
Just try to avoid killing yourself in a traffic accident, mkay?

7/26/2011 c162 2Just-Acting-Naturally
"Hey, that fall from the bike didn't result in permanent brain damage, did it?" Cecilia was perched on the windowsill in the office.

Valkyrie glowered at her, her whole body twisting to face her; her icy blue eyes narrowing in her direction.

Lia's already pale face drained of the little colour it had. She budged backwards surreptitiously, putting as much distance from the wrath of Val and her as possible and teetered nervously. "I kid, I kid. I.. I love you?" She screamed as the raven haired girl pounced. Valkyrie smirked. "Let's see if this fall will give -you- brain damage".

Lia's screams faded away as her body fell from the window to the grassy plains below.

*nods* is that what you would do to me if I asked that question?
7/26/2011 c162 Just-Acting-Naturally
"Hey, that fall from the bike didn't result in permanent brain damage, did it?" Cecilia was perched on the windowsill in the office.

Valkyrie glowered at her, her whole body twisting to face her; her icy blue eyes narrowing in her direction.

Lia's already pale face drained of the little colour it had. She budged backwards surreptitiously, putting as much distance from the wrath of Val and her as possible and teetered nervously. "I kid, I kid. I.. I love you?" She screamed as the raven haired girl pounced. Valkyrie smirked. "Let's see if this fall will give -you- brain damage".

Lia's screams faded away as her body fell from the window to the grassy plains below.

*nods* is that what you would do to me if I asked that question?
7/26/2011 c161 80kirkr0se
Yes, eleven-year-old-of-Freedom's, he is cool like you.

~Mademise Morte
7/25/2011 c161 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I shall have to try this! To the Bat-Cave, Robin!

Harmony xxx
7/25/2011 c160 80kirkr0se
Goodness gracious me. XD

~Mademise Morte
7/25/2011 c159 kirkr0se
No one I know is normal, in that case.

7/24/2011 c160 1Harmony-Rose Blake
AH! My Dad is the same! Just say to him 'Who would want to e-mail you anyway?' They get angry and storm away :')

Harmony xxx
7/24/2011 c159 Harmony-Rose Blake
I think it might be just you on that one ^.^

Harmony xxx
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