Just In
for The Bright Side

7/16/2011 c152 15Trades of Trickery
I went to the Movie, I was the only one dressed up, I felt EPIC! :D
7/15/2011 c152 80kirkr0se
It was that intense? ._.

~Mademise Morte
7/15/2011 c152 6Jay Foren
I'm scared. I don't want it to end. Harry Potter will always be a legand. Did you hear the rumour that J.K. Rowling may be writing another book about Hogwarts were Hermione, Harry, and Ron are professors? Me and Incus are jumping up and down and praying this is true.
7/15/2011 c152 1Harmony-Rose Blake
You've seen it! ;o I know I am going to cry tomorrow night :'( Snape, NOOOO!

I will need a Skulduggery too!

Harmony xxx
7/15/2011 c152 57887989
yea that movie was sooo good.Its different to the book though and it made Dumbledor seem a bit evil and Snape seem good.
7/15/2011 c152 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Awwww, poor Free D: But I haven't seen it yet - DON'TGIVEANYTHINGANYWAAAAY!
7/15/2011 c151 2Just-Acting-Naturally
Why must it end indeed. D': I shall cry tears of sorrow all through the last movie. I'm not ready yet. I remember waiting for each book to come out, then reading them by candlelight in my bed (yes, stupid and dangerous) and I remember hardly being able to read the lasy book through my tears... I don't want my childhood to end... NOOOOUUU
7/14/2011 c151 80kirkr0se
I... I grew up on those books. Sitting in a car with the Order of the Phoenix splayed over my lap and being tossed around by the godsdamned French potholes is one of my dearest memories.

I can't believe the movies are ending now too. The last book was horrific enough for me.

Well, mostly because of the shitty epilogue, but STILL.

~Mademise Morte
7/14/2011 c151 57887989
ive already watched it, it was really good I had a starnge lot of people in my cinema they liked to yell out.
7/14/2011 c151 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I have my tickets for Saturday! I am so excited, scared and nervous. WHY IS IT ENDING! :'(

Harmony xxx
7/14/2011 c151 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
7/13/2011 c150 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I see what you did there ;) You cheeky thing!

I am proud of you too ;D My teacher was creeped out because she told us to write a story and mine was about a homophobe who was killing gay people so a lesbian killed him! Hi5! For scaring teachers :')

Harmony xxx
7/13/2011 c150 1Deactivated. Ciao
Same here. What's the fun in happy poetry?
7/13/2011 c150 80kirkr0se
Oh, we see what you did thar.


That is definitely something to be proud of, it's true...

~Mademise Morte
7/13/2011 c149 kirkr0se
Christ almighty. 0.0;;

~Mademise Morte
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