Just In
for The Bright Side

7/13/2011 c150 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
She should have said 'Death. Gore. Skulduggery.' because skulduggery means tricking and being up to no good XD

And you need my English teacher - she taught us the best way to kill someone and the proper way to impale someone :P
7/13/2011 c149 YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
OH MY GOD! Your life is so much more interesting than mine XD
7/12/2011 c148 1Deactivated. Ciao
One big happy, dysfunctional, hopelessly insane family. But a family nonetheless.

Why run off with your lesbian friend in a giant paper crane when you can run off with your lesbian girl-you-don't know on a rainbow unicorn?


His name is Frank.

7/11/2011 c148 80kirkr0se
I'll be the irresponsible aunt, and you can be the mother of all the excitable children. :D

Oh, and we can keep oversized cranes. Yuri could have a family!

7/11/2011 c109 Zelda
Omg I so have POTC syndrome like all the time I could go on humming for hours but then my softball team starts looking at me funny when I start hummingon first base... XD
7/11/2011 c148 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
And I could make a cake of happiness and rainbows, and we could all eat and be happy!

(Loose Mean Girls quote XD)

7/11/2011 c148 1Harmony-Rose Blake

It is written somewhere that whoever has the badge rules this big house in the north of England where we will all live! *Laughs evilly*

Harmony xxx
7/10/2011 c147 80kirkr0se
This gains a horrific amount of innuendo when you consider the double meaning of 'to do'...

~Mademise Morte
7/10/2011 c147 1Harmony-Rose Blake
I want a friend like Finbar. Everyday would be totally awesome!

Harmony xxx
7/10/2011 c147 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
LOL! Awww, I love Finbar :P
7/9/2011 c146 80kirkr0se
Oh dear XD

~Mademise Morte
7/9/2011 c145 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
D: D'you want me to hit her with an SP book for you?

'Cause I will. Gladly.
7/9/2011 c146 1Harmony-Rose Blake
You do it too! I thought me and my friends were the only ones ;o

Harmony xxx
7/9/2011 c146 4YayForMagicDetectivesAndStuff
Haha, wow, you ARE good friends with them :P

Yes, Skul, learn to knock on windows! It's good manners!
7/8/2011 c145 1Harmony-Rose Blake
She did what? If you need any help sorting her out, I'm here :) I hate people like that.

Harmony xxx
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