Just In
for A different path

5/4/2014 c10 5MYK-ON
love it! where have you been!?
5/3/2014 c1 The grammar nazi
Well in this case it's spelling.

Gaara, not Garra.
5/3/2014 c10 5Rose Tiger
Oh dear! Keep going!
8/22/2013 c9 Rose Tiger
Hinata is supposed to call Sasuke "Nii-chan" (Brother), not "Nee-chan" (Sister).
2/28/2013 c8 ten195
great but really saskue and sakura cnt it be fem haku i feel she mite fit more in the story!
11/26/2012 c8 tedlay
Amazing story
11/19/2012 c8 Rose Tiger
Welcome back. Keep going.
11/18/2012 c8 3Roxas-Namikaze88
Good chapter I hope to see what happends next
7/18/2012 c7 5Rose Tiger
Keep going.
5/3/2012 c6 6Aki666
It's ok we all have that problem once and a while and I'll wait how ever long for you to come back even if you choose not to come back.

3/23/2012 c5 5Rose Tiger
So long Ebisu. Keep going.
3/23/2012 c5 PureBlossoms14
3/23/2012 c1 PureBlossoms14
I love this story already! Nice start
1/7/2012 c4 Rose Tiger
Damn that Mizuki!
1/6/2012 c4 6Aki666
It's going to be priceless when Naruto and Hinata start dating. Hahaha!
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