Just In
for The Shadow

11/29/2011 c19 g0ddamm1t tumblr com
I found your fic when it was 10 chapters long I think, and I fell in love with it... I lost my computer and forgot the name of the story, but reminded myself to look for it. I left it at 14. Now I come back and after looking for keywords and trying to remember I recalled "the shadow" oh shoot, I remember! And now I'm here, reading. If I had any money I'd send some to contribute, and thank you for such an amazing read. 3
11/13/2011 c19 2J.mie
so emotional and amazing i love it
11/11/2011 c19 AkiraNatsume
that was awesome.
11/8/2011 c19 12Ichigo Mirai
this is really really good! wonder what'll happen next... please update whenever you can
11/5/2011 c19 NoOne425454
Great story. I love how Snape went to his room.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
11/1/2011 c19 Hesperis
I just read this story in one go and I must say that I really like it =o)

I like the way you put emotions in a person, and I like the relationship between Severus and Harry. I think that Harry and Severus should now more talk about them, their feelings and their future. They should not forget their row just so easily - they forgave themselves, yes, but they should talk about why the row started, and clean the uncertainties.

I wish Harry and Sev good luck =o) and I'm looking forward the next chapter =o)
10/26/2011 c19 2Princess1heart1Hubby
This was such a sweet and amazing story! I live. Every minute of it. 3
10/23/2011 c19 2darkmoonfairy16
Aw yay their back together!
10/22/2011 c19 34Kristine Thorne
I've really enjoyed rading this story, but my favourite part is definitely your charaterisation of Ron. It's not often that writers try to write a much more mature, sensitive Ron, but you've really achieved that, so well done. The other thing I've really liked because of the thought that has gone into it, is the revisiting of their previous battle grounds. I actually think you should continue with that theme. Should Harry maybe visit the graveyard? Maybe to tell Ron and Hermione, and possibly Severus and maybe even Draco, what happened to him there? Just a thought. Smile!
10/22/2011 c19 A Smouldering Soul
Woo! Great ending
10/22/2011 c19 13Serpent91
Well done!
10/21/2011 c19 5CaffeineIsMyPotion
Glad they've both stopped being idiots. Looking forward to seeing what happens at the end.
10/21/2011 c19 yngoldfogee
I've enjoyed reading your story and am looking forward to your final chapters.
10/20/2011 c19 Silver Green Flames
oh i am so glad that they worked it out enough that they where able to relise that they do love each other.

awsome story keep up the amazing work!*_*

10/20/2011 c19 aliengirlguy
not bad.
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