Just In
for The Shadow

3/15/2011 c3 sonata hirano
i loved it cant wait to
3/15/2011 c3 19passionfornight
Hmmm. That certainly is interesting. And different. Can't wait for the next chapter.
3/15/2011 c3 11natashaheisenburg
Waaaaaaah! This is so intriguing! Please update soon! :D
3/15/2011 c3 Puritey
Please update soon~
3/15/2011 c3 kelcierae
2/21/2011 c2 7xxSnowxxAngelxx
ooh, only Harry sees the shadow, but Snape will see something is up with him... I can't wait for the next chapter! please update soon!
2/14/2011 c2 8DuShuZhi
Interesting story. Update soon.
2/14/2011 c2 BKwriter
Great story you have here. I'm actually a little scared of this dark shadow thing creeping around. It's so mysterious!

Can't wait for the next chapter!
2/13/2011 c1 5StephanieGranger
can't wait to
2/8/2011 c1 2LIGHTNSHADOWS
Hey Aofie,

Great story so far. Severus is right. Something is wrong with Harry. Will Severus be able to bring Harry out of his musings and back to the world around him,or has Harry started to pull away from everyone? And what about the shadow Harry keeps seeing? Can't wait to find out. Thanks,lightnshadows
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