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for HarryGinny Drabbles

6/6/2020 c13 Guest
OMG, this is just...hilarious!
12/22/2014 c61 nayin17
12/22/2014 c53 nayin17
James is so cute
12/22/2014 c45 nayin17
I'm glad you're Lily looks like Ginny
12/22/2014 c34 nayin17
12/22/2014 c20 nayin17
Awww so sweet
12/22/2014 c12 nayin17
OMG! I'm glad it's all about scrabble lol
12/22/2014 c11 nayin17
Go Ginny Go lol
12/22/2014 c9 nayin17
I'm so glad your James Sirius is a real male Potter (with black hair)
11/14/2014 c76 2Stephanie O
Cute! Yeah, I can imagine having a hangover would put you off the drink that caused it...looks like G had a little "surprise" as well!
5/31/2014 c74 DeletedAccount3498
Aww, a perfect chapter to end this perfect story!
5/31/2014 c73 DeletedAccount3498
Hahahhahahaha, I laughed so hard during this! Omg, that's exactly what muggles do XD Oooh, I would love to see a followup where Arthur Weasley tries a rubiks cube! (even if it's not Harry or Ginny related - or maybe Harry and Ginny would be giving it to him as some kind of gift?!)
5/31/2014 c72 DeletedAccount3498
The beginning of this chapter was really good, especially how it stuck to canon. And I could really see Ginny thinking that way, I think the first (mini) paragraph captured the voice of her thoughts pretty clearly. Heaven knows Harry dating Cho must've been a tough time on her. However the last paragraph kind of ruined it. Ginny wouldn't know that, and the sheer amount of possesiveness shown there is slightly creepy...
5/31/2014 c71 DeletedAccount3498
Okay so now I get it :) It was both.

[as sleep claimed them both once more] - Interesting personification there.
5/31/2014 c70 DeletedAccount3498
Didn't get this one...which definition of hot is Ginny?
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