Just In
for HarryGinny Drabbles

5/31/2014 c68 DeletedAccount3498
Lovely message :)
5/31/2014 c67 DeletedAccount3498
Aww, perfect!
5/31/2014 c66 DeletedAccount3498
Nice chapter, just what do you mean by 'her boys, all three of them...'. I thought Ginny had two boys (Albus and James) and one daughter (Lily)?
5/31/2014 c65 DeletedAccount3498
Hahaha, omg this was the funniest chapter in a while xD I can so imagine those jokes!
5/31/2014 c64 DeletedAccount3498
I'm a bit confused about this one. What's the service? I'm sorry, but I didn't pick it up from the 'free bar' reference :?
5/31/2014 c63 DeletedAccount3498
5/31/2014 c62 DeletedAccount3498
Naww, the last line was sweet. Tbh I was expecting him to say something about Ginny bringing him food in bed, and wrap the chapter's sentiment in that action, but this was even better!
5/31/2014 c61 DeletedAccount3498
Although this chapter does have it's comic humour, I'm just wondering as to whether Mcgonagall's still teaching in Hogwarts at that time in canon? Pretty sure she would've been retired by the time Harry and Ginny's children reach old enough to attend Hogwarts, but whatever :O
5/31/2014 c60 DeletedAccount3498
Haha, and I shudder to imagine what punishment that would be! I wonder...does Ginny's bat bodgey hex worsen as a parent? :P

["James Sirius Potter, don't even think about it!"] - I was faintly intrigued by this line, which is good, because for a 100 word limit chapter, there's not much opportunities to build much suspense. And this line definitely draws the reader in. Kind of made me want to find out what James did, knowing his knack for pranking.

The only suggestion I have to make this chapter even better, would be a reference to Aladdin somewhere :P
5/31/2014 c59 DeletedAccount3498
Nice chapter, and is it me or is there sexual inneudo in this? Oh well, I'll just ignore it and pretend Ginny's talking about sightseeing plans or tourism plans or something like that :)
5/31/2014 c58 DeletedAccount3498
How sweet :')
5/31/2014 c57 DeletedAccount3498
Aww, so sweet :)
5/31/2014 c56 DeletedAccount3498
LOLOL! I was wondering what the object was until the last line, and Harry must've kept absolutely TERRIBLE care of that cactus, for it to die of thrist XD A cactus! Dying of thirst! Lol :rofl:
5/31/2014 c55 DeletedAccount3498
Nice! I liked the line 'All it had taken was a willing babysitter and a bottle of Firewhiskey and now, in approximately nine months time, there would be a third Potter baby and another Weasley grandchild.' - it tells that Ginny is pregnant in a creative way, and not just straight forward 'splat she's pregnant'. :)
5/31/2014 c54 DeletedAccount3498
Nice drabble; I think this is a deeper one in terms of content, and it requires fandom knowledge to fill in the gaps between the lines. Makes a nice change from the previous one. The only issue I have with it though, is that Ginny's life isn't entirely centered around Harry - her Destiny isn't to just fall in love with him. There's more to define her by, than just her romantic attachment to the hero. Perhaps change the last line to how Harry was a 'part' of her destiny, e.g.

'It was only with the wisdom of age that she drew the conclusion she'd been racing towards the greatest section of her destiny that day; when Harry walked into her life.' - It still fits the 100 word limit perfectly, and implies there's more to her than just the romantic attachment to Harry.

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