Just In
for The Embarrassing Moment

2/27/2011 c1 RomanaLadyPresidentOfGallifrey
i LOVE the ending!


I wonder, do you think connor might be on there too? in stories...

wow. amazinhg story
2/25/2011 c1 2kickarora
that is good : D
2/19/2011 c1 3JeckerLove
I'd never thought about writing a fanfic about my life, I love Jess for doing so and Becker even more for finding it. I also agree, bad things happen when you're bored. Hilarious (especially Lester dancing).
2/14/2011 c1 8Nattkitten14
Love the story, so funny, haha. I like the part where lester gets caught dancing.
2/14/2011 c1 31Cooper101
Great chapter.

Loved all of it. Very, very funny. :)
2/13/2011 c1 19Logan the Awesome
Bahahahahaahaha! Becker found her fics! I don't know what's more funny; that orestes dancing around in his office! Wonder how Becker found it. Nice with Jess being a fanfic writer. But also, how did Becker know her pen name? Hmm...oh well. Cute story!
2/13/2011 c1 2The.Evil.Squirrel
I see it posted! Woop Woop XD love it,hehe! Xx

.Squirrel. Xx =)

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