Just In
for You're The Best Thing

2/6/2013 c5 lovezanessa4ever23
You should continue!
8/15/2011 c5 kaybaby1127
awe man of course she would have to have an emergency at work!
8/14/2011 c5 1kayp22x
8/11/2011 c5 1AddyD90
great chapter catie..

I try to read this chapter the last 6 hours but now final had time..

Do hope troy and gabriella met soon...
8/11/2011 c5 pumpkinking5

I was going yes they are finally going to met. Then, SMACK! Gabby had to go to the hospital to tend to a patient. I liked that she is dedicated to her work.

Troy was impressed that Gabby couldn't go because of her patient at work. It showed him that she cares deeply for her patients.

Can't wait for the next chapter.
8/10/2011 c4 kaybaby1127
well who woulda thought .. this date should be fun xD
8/9/2011 c4 AddyD90
Great Chapter Catie

Wonder how this dinner is going to go?

Update Soon
8/9/2011 c4 pumpkinking5
Thanks for updating!

Taylor and Chad know Troy. Gabby knows Taylor and Chad. Very interesting.

I thought that it was cute how Gabby and Troy bumped into each other at the coffee shop. They were attracted to each other without realizing it.

Lovely! Can't wait to read about the dinner with Troy and his friends.
2/28/2011 c3 kaybaby1127
hah awe tressa is so cute (: .. trouble is gonna start up now that everyone is in town ;D
2/28/2011 c2 kaybaby1127
things are starting up again. getting gooooood (;
2/21/2011 c3 Clembo29
Loved it!
2/21/2011 c3 AddyD90
great chapter... loved it
2/21/2011 c3 pumpkinking5
I liked how the friend are almost meeting. Gabby is happy that her friend Taylor is visiting. Troy almost saw Gabby. Uncle Ryan is such a great uncle to Tress. Now, Kelsi can tell stories to Tress about her mother.
2/21/2011 c1 13BrittFan
OMG! This is so good! I just read the first chapter! At first I didn't want to read it because I thought Gabriella died and I hate it when people die. But I still didn't want to read it because Sharpay died. But I read it. It's so good and I couldn't stop reading. I can't wait to read the next chapters!
2/19/2011 c2 1AddyD90
loved it
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