Just In
for In States of Metamorphosis

12/26/2011 c4 14Kiraling
This was absolutely breathtaking! I was feeling everything Eames was feeling :)
11/8/2011 c3 Nobody297SRS
Yeah, Ariadne would definitely have a difficult time choosing over dreamshare or reality. I like the way you write Miles. He's not in many Inception fics, or if he is, then he's just the kind elderly guy. But Miles has a lot more experience with the dreamworld then everyone thinks he does. And he really cares for Ariadne.
11/8/2011 c2 Nobody297SRS
Haha. Arthur's so puzzled as to what happened. Tell him to stop frowning! It's not good for him. I dunno, this was just really cute.
11/8/2011 c1 Nobody297SRS
Yes. The darker side of the dream share world. The realities you've painted for Arthur and for Eames are horrifying and yet there's such a ring of truth in them.
8/28/2011 c2 105whimsycality
Lovely character interludes with the perfect balance of angst and fluff and humor.
5/15/2011 c1 AvainL
Interesting thoughts... especially about Eames forgetting himself - that felt kind of creepy :)
2/18/2011 c1 7What Almost Was
I loved this so much
2/18/2011 c1 58Lobsters forever
That was very beautiful. I hope you do intend to write more drabbles. Amazing.

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