9/27/2015 c1 head.chantal
the thought of Becker on fanfiction is quite funny. Love it.
the thought of Becker on fanfiction is quite funny. Love it.
2/27/2011 c1 RomanaLadyPresidentOfGallifrey
I love this story!
it is brilliant!
love how you keep incorperating ffn!
I love this story!
it is brilliant!
love how you keep incorperating ffn!
2/21/2011 c1 Natt
Thats awesome Kira! Lol i guess sometimes life really isn't a fairytale- well not for me anyway
Thats awesome Kira! Lol i guess sometimes life really isn't a fairytale- well not for me anyway
2/21/2011 c1
hahahaha, this is brilliant, just brilliant! prefect use of fanfiction in a story!

hahahaha, this is brilliant, just brilliant! prefect use of fanfiction in a story!
2/20/2011 c1
Jess and Becker are adorable! Sometimes, I wish life was a fanfiction (did I say sometimes, sorry, I meant all the time). Great story! I LOVE the whole fanfics about there lives idea!

Jess and Becker are adorable! Sometimes, I wish life was a fanfiction (did I say sometimes, sorry, I meant all the time). Great story! I LOVE the whole fanfics about there lives idea!
2/20/2011 c1
Haha you're right a tad soppy =p but me loved it anyways=D! Btw I got ur text , but cba to reply atm XD xxx

Haha you're right a tad soppy =p but me loved it anyways=D! Btw I got ur text , but cba to reply atm XD xxx