Just In
for Speak Now

10/3/2013 c1 esther
i don't like the omake. the real story is good though! :D
7/30/2013 c1 AZEB
which one is the real one? the one when natsume said "she's my real bride" or the one when he said "of course. i love my sweet honey buns. guards, throw her OUT!"
8/17/2011 c1 2Sins of Paradise
Hey this isn't really a review but hi am Alice the first winner in the story your name in it is fuuka right I like it hope to be your friends too :)
5/4/2011 c1 1Melsaurus
Wow, I am soo confused. If it weren't a songfic, I would have said make another chapter. Well written : ) thanks x

4/24/2011 c1 6Oohprettystars
Wat? Ur jus gonna leave it like that?
3/31/2011 c1 BABYYY
F U C K luna.!

she's getting on my nerves
3/9/2011 c1 3DarkFlameInfernal
Damn it! I hate luna!
2/26/2011 c1 pwenie
lol hahha cool.. :)
2/21/2011 c1 Lucifer Kyoya
I think this "chapter" is very good to the fact i doubt that anyone saw that kindia ending coming.
2/21/2011 c1 gakuen alice fan 12354685
OMG! u have to make u sequel! this is so good ! :)
2/21/2011 c1 5NeitherSaneNorInsane
The imams doesn't make sense to me. Would natsume really say sweet hunny buns. I shudder at the thought. You should have made it longer
2/20/2011 c1 Guest
That was a twisted ending what could have happened and the reason why it never will
2/20/2011 c1 coco
i like it. :o

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