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10/29/2011 c1 4wingswordsandmetaphors
This is brilliant. It's completely in character, and really funny.
9/6/2011 c1 123
Hi, The story was great! I wish I could write all well as you do.

I think you did a good job giving them their real character! I thought that I was actually reading an Animorphs book!

Please keep writing.
5/8/2011 c1 DerangedTeddy-bear
You have captured the spirit of he animorphs

Though im sure Rachel would be an awesome cook
4/24/2011 c1 84Darth Krande
Ohh... :D It seems they should stick to fighting yeerks. A visit to the Pool is much less disastrous than cake-making. Marco was very in-character.
2/26/2011 c1 morph on
This is great! The animorphs must spend time togerther. This Is so funny! Keep up the good work!
2/26/2011 c1 NO ONE
2/24/2011 c1 15jen1490
lol, funny story. i like all the resistance Marco put up against Rachel's cooking and the fact that Tobias is actually trying to help his clueless bunch of friends x]
2/21/2011 c1 447Sarah1281
This was a really funny story. I love how incompetent they all are at baking. Except maybe Tobias. And Marco who really had no helpful suggestions. They probably should have made sure they had all the ingredients before starting but at least Ax liked it and it's really the thought that counts.
2/21/2011 c1 2lazy2login
Bravo! This is one of the best one-shots I've read in a while. I didn't come across any grammar mistakes and your wording is excellent.

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