Just In
for Virtual Interuptions

9/22/2013 c11 The boss man
That was a beautiful story and I am sooo happy for Jess and Becker and Danny and Sarah.
6/18/2013 c3 Robert p
LOL he wet himself funny
5/3/2011 c1 Carrie
WOW, loved the story, sad it's over. :)
5/1/2011 c11 8Nattkitten14
wow :o awwww luv it xxxx
5/1/2011 c11 4maddi-becker
cool abousltly cool i loved it the whole story back to front plz write a sequal or something because i loved it thnks for writing it x
5/1/2011 c11 15Cabbage Ninja
I'm sooo sorry but I haven't got any mssage, I will cheak now, That you so so sos much and I love stopry so sos os o much :D
5/1/2011 c11 31Cooper101
Great chapter.

Loved all of this. Love how the team ranted on about who the babies look like.

what's the sequle going to be called?
4/30/2011 c11 2The.Evil.Squirrel
Woop woop! Took yah time lol =p Soooo cuttttteeee!=) ...I actually have nothing to you watch doctor who? I would text you but I'm too lazy to find my phone-_- xx
4/2/2011 c10 3ThePersonWithNoName

bril. amazing. pleese don't take this away from ME!

3/12/2011 c10 23Whatever-the-weather
Aww I love the way the girl is called Sarah, I have always thought that if becker ever had children a girl would be called, I also think that if Connor and Abby had children, if they had q boy it would be called nick, anyway seriously sweet chapter, update soon! :)
3/12/2011 c10 31Cooper101
Great chapter.

I was smiling all the way through this chapter.

Not sure how Danny would be if he found out that Becker had nemed his son after him. Mad at first then happy I'd say.

You should do that at the end of the next chapter like: 5 months later, or a year later... Danny comes back meets the kids, doesn't get along with Little Danny the gets told the boys name is Danny ;) Lol. the ideas all yours if ya want it.

Update soon please!
3/12/2011 c10 15Cabbage Ninja
YAY, that's awesome :D♥
3/12/2011 c10 2The.Evil.Squirrel
AWWW! amazing :) Ive been clearing my room all day, and this really cheered me up! Guess what, I found out the colour of my carpet XD but excuse me...are yhoo gonna update upside dwn. today? xxxxxx
3/11/2011 c9 3ChrisColferLover14
Omg! luve this story
3/11/2011 c9 2The.Evil.Squirrel
Haha! The bit about chocolate oranges made me LOL ! Xx will you be updating upside down tonight?xx
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