Just In
for The Spy Games

10/7/2013 c5 Guest
Please continue
8/23/2011 c5 2cherryb0mb
LOOL i love the idea, but you really need to add more of your own twists to make it your own kay?

Keep writing:)

5/15/2011 c5 1Lemonade888
5/15/2011 c4 Lemonade888
LOL! G'job!
5/15/2011 c3 Lemonade888
5/15/2011 c2 Lemonade888
Loved it!
5/15/2011 c1 Lemonade888
I loved it!
4/5/2011 c5 music in my ears
No prob, as long as you read my excuses!
4/5/2011 c4 music in my ears
:) Today's a big, big day!
4/5/2011 c3 music in my ears
4/5/2011 c2 music in my ears
Seems like a good story so far!
4/5/2011 c1 music in my ears
Oooh! Exciting!
3/30/2011 c5 GallagherGirl459
Yep because all ur stories are awsome! Hehe! Update update update!

GallagherGirl459! :0
3/30/2011 c5 5Angel4eva-15
I loved it! Thnx to all the people who helped u! Update
3/29/2011 c5 DarkStar616
Great chapter! Keep it up or I'll have to kill you brutly and painfully. And that just wouldn't look good on my behalf!

-DarkStar616 ((Formally known as Percabeth616))
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