Just In
for Her Facade has been Broken

9/28/2013 c2 RisaAzu
Got my character, I hope this helps.

Name: Kimberly Chang
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Position: Friend
Looks Like: she is 5'3", she got blonde hair and green eyes w/ small curls half of her hair length to her back to the waist & w/ two long pig tails and the rest lays down, her body is slim she has curves
Nickname: Kimmie, Kim, Kimber, Chang, Ki-chan
11/7/2012 c5 5BADASS-OtakuBoss
emotionless like mikan but show her only his emotion except his close friend;D that would be cool
11/7/2012 c3 BADASS-OtakuBoss
awe that would be so cute0/0
11/3/2012 c2 Guest
the end bit is fake right
9/7/2012 c7 4Tears of Hearts
8/24/2011 c3 1RimaAmane
I love your omakes! Oh and the story. LOL
8/24/2011 c9 yuthika vemosa
I read this and I love the story! I'm glad that Mikan still wears her bright smile until this chapter, anyways, good luck in rewriting this one!
8/17/2011 c10 6Princess Mei Mikan
aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... just update me if it's finish... mwaaaah:x
7/10/2011 c9 YunaNeko
Wonderful. Love It. Can't Wait For Next Chapter. UPDATE SOON! GAMBATTE NE:D
6/10/2011 c9 1Nightly Gloom
Your plot is interesting but your grammar and the way you construct sentences is (dare I say it) not satisfactory.

When I was reading chapter 7, I was annoyed (or pissed, rather) because your unnecessary rants were longer than the actual story chapter. It made my head spin. You should try to fix that.

As for the plot, Mikan was supposedly smart, right? She is a special star, after all. Then why did a fellow alice student (and with the same age, no less) manage to attack her with ease?

Secondly, Mikan said that she would show her true colors and would drop her façade in GA America. Then, tell me, why would she pretend to act cold (which is contradictory to her personality in Japan)? It doesn't make any sense.

If I misunderstood anything, please enlighten me.

6/2/2011 c9 loveless
update soon plaese

6/1/2011 c9 natsumeslover
Rei! ohhhhh reis serio aka persona! ehh ehh mikan is so naive and silly to think that about love between them! but it is cute!
6/1/2011 c9 RedTulipHead
If I have to wait till the next chapter till anything happens, then I DEMAND you write. XD XP

Will the Alice Academy America Student know Mikan's true identity?
6/1/2011 c9 5Crimson-Midnight-Moon
I love it when they are brother and sister :) or like brother and sister. Its just cute to see Persona/ rei all overprotective :D
5/31/2011 c9 kuma-janai
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