Just In
for Infection

7/8/2012 c1 51Martin-J-Christopher-Freeman
LOVE ! :)
3/7/2011 c1 31Cooper101
Great chapter.

Really good, I really liked it. Like a horror movie, but NOTHING like one at the same time! Laughed at the flowers for a cure.

I (personally) think you could do a story like this with more than one chapter. Becker and Jess saving the world, rest of the team being knocked off one by one, turning into infected mutans...

I can see it as a story, I can see it, I can see it, I can see it and I (personally) think you should do it.

I'd read it! :)

2/25/2011 c1 2kickarora
awww cute yet creepy but still cute :D

well written is less confuzing..
2/23/2011 c1 17I-Can-Spell-Confusion-With-A-K
I like the whole "Sean of the Dead" zombie, horror/comedy thing you went with here. My suggestion would be to add some more description to your scenes. The ARC team as zombies could either be hilarious or horrifying depending on how you describe them and I wish you had spent a bit more time on that. Also, Lester as a zombie...that needs to be written and written in detail lol. I could see him being a zombie who was still perfectly put together with a clean suit :p ANYWAY...I liked the story a lot I would just say flesh out the scenes more and it would be even better.
2/22/2011 c1 15Heyarandomgal
Lol at Matt ruining the moment!


Oh yeah I almost forgot I LOVE THE STORY!

2/22/2011 c1 2The.Evil.Squirrel
AW! CUTE! Reminded me of resident evil...but then I realised in resident evil they didnt feed them daisies...*Clears throat*..




ANYWAYS! WELL DONE =) I don't know how you have so much time to write...I'm sure you have the same homework/coursework as me...hmm...

XXXSquirrelXXX =)
2/22/2011 c1 Natt
Thats sooo cool, well done kira


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